Friday, March 29, 2019

The Big 3 Stories of Joplin News First on #GMFS with Howie

The Big 3 Stories of Joplin News First on #GMFS with Howie: These are the biggest stories of the week on Joplin News First.  We share them live every Thursday morning on KODE 12 with Howie and Bubba and Coleman on Good Morning Four States. And we also list them out so you can watch them back here on Four States Home Page.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Grain truck rollover 171 and Kafir, north of Carl Junction, MSHP official report is complete

Grain truck rollover 171 and Kafir, north of Carl Junction, MSHP official report is complete: This semi truck rollover occurred approximately 10:35 AM as this fully loaded grain truck rolled over into the ditch losing it's complete load of grain.  The driver and was trapped inside the truck for a time however he was able to free himself.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

LIVE! gas meter ruptured in suspected dwi pursuit, flames shooting skyward, neighborhood locked down

LIVE! gas meter ruptured in suspected dwi pursuit, flames shooting skyward, neighborhood locked down: Update Sunday morning from Cpt Trevor Duncan states that the #weareouttheretoo DWI enforcement campaign nabbed six arrests and, 'the pursuit driver is being treated for broken bones and was found to have ran to avoid being found out of Louisiana since his probation states he can't leave the state.  He wasn't impaired and charges are pending.'

Saturday, March 9, 2019