Saturday, January 13, 2018

Joplin City Hall ENDS JPD Updates - #JPDIncidentSpotlight Obituary - Sign the Petition

(64804/64801) -- In records obtained by our friends at KOAM-TV 7 the Joplin City Hall has asked the Joplin Police Department to end the posts #JPDIncidentSpotlight.  Which was a hashtag story that posted as-needed the update of what was happening in Joplin.

Many Joplin area people are upset and there is a petition being signed now.

#JPDIncidentSpotlight - SIGN THE PETITION

Good luck folks!  If it works let's all sign a petition for eliminating JOPLIN ODOR ISSUES?  Until then?  Let's go to the Joplin Area Chamber of Commerce Biz Expo in OKLAHOMA!!!!

#JPDIncidentSpotlight Obituary
We remember when you were born at the fingertips of a tweet by Chief Matt Stewart.  At times you were snarky.  You showed no shame in blasting names and addresses and charges of felons.

You were just 132 days old but you grew so quickly.  Some called you 'clickbait' but what were people clicking on?  A chance for police to build a relationship with a new generation of Joplinites.

You told me about a naked man on the corner of 4th and Main - Joplin News First drove by that cold night and realized George Costanza had something in common with that man.

You told me about murders, people on the run, fleeing suspects and informed my family to keep us more safe and secure.  But who wants safe and secure!?!?!

But now you are gone I can wear my rose colored glasses. Joplin crime is gone.  Joplin meth is gone.  The opiate epidemic and problem is gone.  Babies don't die at the hands of mommy's boyfriends.  And Michigan Place Apartments is a gated and wonderful condo community!  #jpdincidentspotlight #joplinpd #joplinnewsfirst