(75092 - Sherman TX) — Just about an hour North of Dallas this mall is dying. This is right at 9:00 in a Saturday night. Sherman is population 45,000. Joplin is population 50,000.
I hear a lot of people say that ‘Joplin is dead’ and ‘there’s nothing to do’. This is a tour of the Midway Mall in Sherman TX. Talk about dead
💀 the theater is showing IT and Madea Boo 2 tonight.

Recent statistics say that 1/3 of malls will close in the next 5 years. No more hanging out at the food court. Going to Vintage Stock or seeing the latest styles at American Eagle here at this mall.
Be thankful Joplin is thriving and growing.

According to this 2009 blog this is considered a Tier A Mall with 600,000 square feet. This area is known as Texoma (TX/OK line). Durant, OK/Denison, TX/Sherman, TX with a population base of 150,000 people it should be surviving along this I-75 corridor instead of looking like a movie set for Zombieland.
The only thing that has changed is that more large stores have closed since the article. JC Penny left 10 years ago. Bealls, Sears, Mervyns, Old Navy, Goodys and Famous Labels all have exited since 2011. But they still continue to leave some of the lights on in hope of what?